2025-03-25 21:46:00


在全球健康產業蓬勃發展、科技浪潮奔湧不息的當下,臺灣星曜生醫科技(股)公司勇立潮頭,邁出戰略性跨國佈局關鍵一步。公司正式宣佈與香港上市公司數科集團達成深度合作,雙方將於 4 月 6 日在台南福爾摩沙遊艇酒店國際會議中心一樓,舉辦盛大簽約儀式,共同開啟全新征程。


屆時,業界精英將彙聚一堂,數科集團首席代表金聖賢、李小萍證券公司執行長ELLEN,以及“證券與萬事達”協同事業部運營長 OLIVIA 等重磅嘉賓,都將親臨現場,見證這一具有里程碑意義的時刻,共話行業未來。



在這場合作中,香港數科集團的 IT 核心團隊將發揮關鍵效能。一方面,依託前沿技術,全方位保障星曜生醫全球業務的穩定運營,確保供應鏈、銷售端、客戶服務等環節緊密協同,無縫銜接;另一方面,深度挖掘公司海量運營資料中的寶藏,以資料驅動創新,探尋全新商業價值增長點,為星曜生醫持續注入澎湃動力。


當下,AI 技術正以前所未有的速度改寫醫學發展軌跡,從精准醫療直擊病症核心,到抗衰科研拓展生命邊界,人類已然踏入長壽經濟新時代。星曜生醫精准洞悉時代脈搏,憑藉超凡產業遠見,率先佈局。創新性提出“消費資料證券化”戰略,如同一把鑰匙,解鎖規模擴張的高速通道,迅速成為資本市場炙手可熱的焦點。


展望未來,星曜生醫將搭乘 AI 賦能醫學、長壽經濟崛起的東風,以科技為翼,創新為帆,深度構建“檢測—預防—治療—康復—投資”生態閉環,全力推動“健康資本化”價值轉化。秉持“富在術數,不在勞身;利在勢局,不在立耕”的智慧,憑藉對行業趨勢的深刻洞察,將前沿科技與健康產業完美融合,實現商業價值的最大化變現,開創生命經濟新紀元,為全球健康福祉貢獻磅礴力量!


Amid the rapid growth of the global health industry and the continuous waves of technological advancement, Taiwan Star Rich Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd. is taking a bold step forward in its strategic international expansion. The company has officially announced an active collaboration with Hong Kong MTT Group Holdings Limited. The two parties will hold a grand signing ceremony on April 6 at the International Conference Center, 1st Floor, Formosa Yacht Resort in Tainan, marking the beginning of an exciting new journey.


     Industry elites will gather at the event, with distinguished guests including Hong Kong MTT Group Holdings Limited’s chief representatives Jin Shengxian, Li Xiaoping , the CEO of Securities company ELLEN, and OLIVIA, Head of the Securities & Mastercard Collective Business Unit. These key figures will witness this milestone moment and engage in discussions about the future of the industry.


     As a leading player in the health sector, Star Rich Biomedical Technology has been dedicated to the research, development, and sales of health supplements for years. With outstanding quality and an innovative approach, its business footprint spans Taiwan, Japan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and beyond, earning the trust of consumers worldwide.


     In this partnership, Hong Kong MTT Group Holdings Limited’s core IT team will play a pivotal role. On one hand, leveraging cutting-edge technology, they will ensure the stable operation of Star Rich Biomedical Technology’s global business, smoothly integrating supply chain, sales, and customer service. On the other hand, they will make good use of the company’s vast operational data, contributing to innovation and exploring new ways for business growth, providing continuous momentum for Star Rich Biomedical Technology’s expansion.


     Today, AI technology is reshaping the pattern of medical advancements at an unprecedented pace. From precision medicine targeting diseases at their core to anti-aging research pushing the boundaries of human longevity, we have officially entered the era of the longevity economy. Recognizing this shift, Star Rich Biomedical Technology has taken the lead with exceptional industry foresight. The company has innovatively introduced the “Consumer Data Securitization” strategy—a key that unlocks rapid expansion and has quickly become a hot topic in the capital market.


     Looking ahead, Star Rich Biomedical Technology will ride the wave of AI-driven medical advancements and the rise of the longevity economy. With technology as its wings and innovation as its sail, the company aims to build a comprehensive ecosystem covering “testing, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and investment,” accelerating the transformation of health assets into capital. Guided by the wisdom that “wealth lies in strategy, not in labor; profit comes from positioning, not just effort,” Star Rich Biomedical Technology will leverage deep industry insights to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technology with the health industry, maximizing commercial value, pioneering the life economy, and contributing to the well-being of people worldwide!















